10 Surprising Facts About Cannabis You Didn’t Know

The history of cannabis/hashish is complex, and the plant has been the subject of much scientific research, cultural analysis, and momentous social change. While many recognize its mainstream uses and effects, there are still countless lesser-known yet fascinating facts about this remarkable plant. Below are ten surprising facts about cannabis that can change your way of thinking.

1. Cannabis Has Ancient Origins

Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years, and archaeobotanical evidence points to its domestication more than 10,000 years ago. Taiwan archaeological finds suggest hemp was used for pottery and clothing as far back as 8,000 BCE. This illustrates how humans have used this plant since the dawn of civilization: Ancient Chinese societies consumed it for its medicinal properties, and from China to Europe to Africa, many elements of religious rites were centred around cannabis.

2. The Plant Has Gender

Cannabis plants can be male, female, or hermaphroditic. Cannabinoid-rich buds, prized for both psychoactive and therapeutic effects, are found on female plants. Unlike males that simply produce pollen with low cannabinoid content, Exclusively, hermaphroditic plants have both sex’ reproductive organs and can pollinate themselves—something that significantly impacts the quality of cannabis being grown.

3. Cannabis Can Be Used in Construction

Hemp, another variety entirely which is not psychoactive and much more versatile in terms of its applications can be turned into building materials. Hempcrete, a mix of hemp and lime, is lightweight, durable, and eco-friendly. It uses a carbon-negative material that absorbs more CO2 than its production releases, thus being a perfect option for sustainable green building.

4. It Was Once a Legal Medicine

In the U.S, cannabis was legally prescribed until the beginning of the 20th century. Listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia from 1850 to 1942, it was used to treat ailments like migraines, rheumatism, and chronic pain. Prohibition policies since the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 impeded those use, and eclipsed its benefits.

5. The U.S. Government Holds a Cannabis Patent

Surprisingly, the U.S. government owns Patent No. 6,630,507, granted in 2003, for “Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.” This patent highlights the therapeutic potential of cannabinoids in treating conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The paradox of governmental recognition amidst prohibition policies remains a point of contention.

6. Terpenes Play a Big Role in Effects

Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD are not the sole active compounds in cannabis. The distinct aromas and flavours of cannabis come from terpenes, which impact its effects greatly. Terpenes interact with cannabinoids through the entourage effect, a mechanism where two or more compounds synergistically augment or change their effects. For example, myrcene amplifies THC’s psychoactivity, while limonene boosts mood and alleviates stress.

7. Hemp Seeds Are Nutritional Powerhouses

Hemp seeds (from the same cannabis family) are highly nutritious.  Packed with essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6), fiber, and protein, they support heart health, digestion, and immune function. Hemp seeds are an essential component of plant-based diets worldwide because they represent a complete protein source.

8. Cannabis Needs Decarboxylation

This means that raw cannabis will not provide psychoactive effects unless it has been decarboxylated. It means heating cannabis to activate its cannabinoids by turning THCA into THC and CBDA into CBD. If you want to make high-quality edibles, tinctures, and topicals you have to decarboxylate.

9. The Entourage Effect Magnifies Benefits

The entourage effect is a phenomenon, wherein cannabis compounds (cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids) work together for maximized therapeutic effect. Such synergistic effect can result in a greater response than individual compounds, which is paving the way for novel medical cannabis formulations.

10. Cannabis Is a Bioaccumulator

Cannabis absorbs heavy metals and toxins from its environment through phytoremediation. While this characteristic helps regenerate soil, it makes clean practices imperative since polluted growing conditions will make their way into cannabis.

Discover the Best of Cannabis at The Cannabis Shop

The Cannabis Shop in Washington, DC, is your ultimate destination for top-quality cannabis products. Whether you prefer aromatic flowers, potent concentrates, or delectable edibles, The Cannabis Shop has it all for your needs. We have a competent team that helps you find what you are looking for while maintaining quality and customer satisfaction.

Cannabis is a plant of boundless potential, influencing industries ranging from medicine to sustainability. Watch out for our next blog where we explain how cannabis prohibition has a hidden history you did not see coming and can affect society (good or bad?) as a whole. 

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